New Install – what to choose? Express / standard / custom?

Note that when you install new software on your computer – often the install dialog offer you things that will only bother you later, so then give up politely.
You have to understand that behind browsers and search and many software tools rolling a lot of money and some are trying to dress on your browser to direct you to use something they have a business relationship with them whatsoever.
Many Purchased or free software allow you to choose between Express Install and other options.Like Standart install or custom install. i think the better choice for you most of the time will be – Custom install. I recommend you always choose Custom Although you will need to make some decisions. just spend a little bit of more time but eventually not much compare to time you will need to spend later in all kinds of repairs from the fact that the software settings chose settings that will not really need or serve you. such as what file associate with a sound file it means what application open automatically when you doubleclick the file. is it your favorite software that you are acustom to or another software that you don’t know at all. the same is with search default if for example you use Google they might change it to ASK that it has no search results in your country. Or without asking you the software you installed add a toolbar that really only gets troubling now you do not know how to get rid of it. You have to know that it easy to install and not always easy to remove.
Another option that i don’t like is the location where the content will be saved. most of the time they direct you to the software folder, or my documents. i prefer places that more easy for me later when i want to do backups. it is better to select position you are used to save such documents.
So next time when you come to install new software CUSTOM option is selected a custom installation, you follow all the installation process every step and it’s much maybe 5 questions.
Attention: if the software recommend or offer you to install other software or a toolbar. be sure that you really need them otherwise just say ‘no’ mark or un mark the option as you really wants. of Course do not Tempted automatically answer yes yes yes to any question – it does not save you time at all.

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