Tips on how to set goals and objectives

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Setting Goals – How To Setup Goals

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Someone who has not set himself a clear goal can never reach it, when talking about a target you must define it in terms of quantity and schedule. After we defined the goal, we must dismantle it into tasks.  then every task is dismantle into activities. You can not define an amorphous goal, like I want to be rich. you should say at the end of this year my monthly income is $10,000.
it is important to translate the task into clear results and in terms of specific date to reach such results. for example I have to sell 100 units of product in the price of $100 per unit in one month, let say i have 20 days of activity per month depending on the reality of your business. we have to sell 5 units a day. To sell 5 units a day. 100 people should visit my store each day. Of course, those numbers should actually measured and update the formula according to your business..
Now what i need to do in order to bring 100 visitors to my site or to my store  and how much I should spend in work time and money to achieve it.